
M. Sc. Dirk Schweers

Dirk Schweers

Senior Research Associate in department Planning and Control of Production and Logistics Systems (PSPS), Faculty Production Engineering at the University of Bremen.

Curriculum Vitae

After an apprenticeship as a mechatronics technician, Dirk Schweers studied mechatronics at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and systems engineering at the University of Bremen, specialising in automation technology and robotics. Mr. Schweers completed his studies in 2015 and has been working as a research scientist at the Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics since 2016. Since then, he has been working in the Robotics and Automation Department on the combination of machine learning, image processing and control technology tasks. Mr. Schweers is also editor of the magazine Industrie 4.0 Management, which deals with the present and future of industrial business processes.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Machine learning, image processing and control engineering
  • Energy and resource efficient production
  • Process optimization through robotics and automation systems
  • Industry 4.0, cyber-physical production and logistics systems


Dirk Schweers works in the research project ALSO 4.0 in which the efficiency of an aluminium melting furnace shall be increased. Within the project he deals with the approximation of the melting behaviour of the aluminum including the complete state of the furnace.


AI-ConsultMultimodales, KI-gestütztes Informationssystem zur kognitiven Unterstützung logistischer Prozesse
AKAMAI ASRSNeues Intralogistik-Lagersystem
ALSO 4.0Effizienzsteigerung eines Aluminiumschmelzofens durch den Einsatz intelligenter Steuerungsmodule, erweiterter Sensorik und innovativer Lösungsmethodiken in der Verbrennungstechnik
ErgoKIErfassung und KI-basierte Analyse von Ergonomiedaten in der manuellen Montage mittels körpernaher Sensorik und maschineller Sehverfahren
MARGOOptimizing Material Flow with AGV’s in Ring Gear Production
OptiAssistKI-basierte Anomalie- und Ursachenanalyse von Montageprozessdaten zur Ableitung von Prozess- und Assistenzsystem-Verbesserungsvorschlägen
ViProQASVisual Product Quality Auditing System


M. Sc. Dirk Schweers
Hochschulring 20
D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49(0)421/218-50124