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Referierte Publikationen

Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [1]

[Scho10] Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tervo, J.; Görges, M.; Matthies, R.: Modelling and analysis of mechanical steel handling processes in seaports. In: International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation. HMS 2010, DIPTEM University of Genova, Genova, 2010, pp. 73-78
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Nicht-referierte Publikationen

Konferenzbeiträge (nicht referiert) [2]

[Scho11be] Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Matthies, R.: Modelling and Analysing the Impact of Manual Handling Processes in Seaports. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2011). N.N, N.N, 2011, pp. 6

[Scho10t] Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Tervo, J. T.; Matthies, R.: Modelling and analysis of mechanical steel handling processes in sea ports. In: Bruzzone, A (eds.): The 13th International Conference on Harbor Maritime Multimodal Logistics Modeling & Simulation. HMS 2010, DIPTEM University of Genova, Fez, Morocco, 2010, pp. 68-73

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Hint about publications at now questionable publishers

The publisher who published this publication is now suspected of being a predatory publisher. The contribution was made on the basis of a third-party-funded research project. It is part of the final project report, which was examined by anonymous reviewers. They did not criticize the publication. Some of these publications are duplications, as an extended paper was published in addition to the conference paper following some conferences.