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Referierte Publikationen

Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [6]

[Heg17] Heger, J.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.: Online-scheduling using past and real-time data. An assessment by discrete event simulation using exponential smoothing. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 19(2017)0, pp. 158–163, DOI 10.1016/j.cirpj.2017.07.003 (also project: AdaptiveSBO)
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[Gru16] Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: A new method for autonomous control of complex job shops – Integrating order release, sequencing and capacity control to meet due dates. In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 42(2016)0, pp. 11-28, DOI 10.1016/j.jmsy.2016.10.006
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

[Gru15] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Coupling order release methods with autonomous control methods – an assessment of potentials by literature review and discrete event simulation. In: International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 3(2015)1, pp. 43-56, DOI 10.4995/ijpme.2015.3199
[ BibTeX | DOI ]

[Gru15a] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Planorientierte autonome Fertigungssteuerung. In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 105(2015)4, S. 220-224
[ BibTeX | www ]

[Schu15] Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Zielsystem zur Bewertung von Kopplungsstrategien - Beurteilung der logistischen Zielerreichung und Planeinhaltung beim Einsatz autonomer Steuerungsmethoden. In: Industrie Management, 31(2015)2, S. 23-27
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[Schu15b] Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.: Evaluation approach for the identification of promising methods to couple central planning and autonomous control. In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 29(2015)4, pp. 438-461, DOI 10.1080/0951192X.2015.1066032
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Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [3]

[Schu16] Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Evaluation of Strategies for the Coupling of Central Planning and Autonomous Control in Dynamic Job Shop Environments. In: Wulfsberg, J. P.; Fette, M.; Montag, T. (eds.): Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, Pfaffikon, Switzerland, 2016, pp. 457-464, DOI 10.4028/
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

[Gru15b] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.: Evaluation system for autonomous control methods in coupled planning and control systems. In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2015, pp. 121-126, DOI 10.1016/j.procir.2015.06.023
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[Schu15a] Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Strategies for the Coupling of Autonomous Control and Central Planning - Evaluation of Strategies using Logistic Objectives Achievement and Planning Adherence. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2015. IEEE, New York, USA, 2015, pp. 121-126, DOI 10.1109/SMC.2015.34
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Nicht-referierte Publikationen

Artikel in Zeitschriften (nicht referiert) [2]

[Gru13a] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Görges, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: An approach for applying autonomous production control methods with central production planning. In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 7(2013)4, pp. 167-174

[Gru13b] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Görges, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Autonome Produktionssteuerung bei zentraler Produktionsplanung. In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 108(2013)12, S. 992-994
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Konferenzbeiträge (nicht referiert) [1]

[Gru13] Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Görges, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Interlinking central production planning with autonomous production control. In: Marascu-Klein, V. (eds.): Advances in Production, Automation and Transportation Systems. WSEAS Press, Brasov, Romania, 2013, pp. 326-332

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Hint about publications at now questionable publishers

The publisher who published this publication is now suspected of being a predatory publisher. The contribution was made on the basis of a third-party-funded research project. It is part of the final project report, which was examined by anonymous reviewers. They did not criticize the publication. Some of these publications are duplications, as an extended paper was published in addition to the conference paper following some conferences.