FNK Methoden zur Gestaltung vernetzter Logistikstrukturen im Maschinenbau One key assumption to operate competitive logistic networks is the development of logistic concepts for the design and the use of distribution structures and its necessary information technology structures. Logistic networks consist normally of one original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and suppliers for parts, components, etc.. The OEM has a global sales&service network and produce and assemble its finished products in more than one production location. Main objective of the project is the development of a method to generate reactive distribution concepts which consider also the changing constraints of the given logistic structure. Changing constraints are e.g. the location of the customer, the demands on the delivery times, the number of different suppliers and its locations, as well as the composition of the product and its variants. In this case the use of the given logistic structure is in the focus of the research work and not the location problem of distribution stocks. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004 See project's publications List all projects |