Vorträge [124] |
[Tra25] |
Trapp, M.: KI-Anwendungen in Produktion und Logistik. Gewerbegebietsgespräch der Gemeinde Weyhe, 24 March 2025, Weyhe
[Tra24] |
Trapp, M.; Artjom Dick: Einsatz einer Helium-Drohne für das Inventurmanagement. 2. BHV-Digitalisierungs-Dialog, 4 December 2024, Bremen (Projekt: safetyDrone)
[Jat24a] |
Jathe, N.: KI-Anwendungen in der Logistik. Digitale Innovation in der Industrie und im Mittelstand: Künstliche Intelligenz als Standortvorteil, 11 November 2024 (Projekt: Mittelstand 4.0)
[Pet24a] | Petzoldt, C.: Paneldiskussion: Kollaborative Robotik. Mobile Robotics Summit 2024, 9 October 2024 - 10 October 2024, Düsseldorf |
[Pet24] | Petzoldt, C.: Operator 5.0 - Intelligente Arbeitsgestaltung durch Kombination autonomer Transportsysteme und sensorischer Exoskelette. Future of Industrial Engineering Day (FIED 2024), 19 September 2024, Dortmund (Projekt: MEXOT) |
[Qua24] |
Quandt, M.; Kreutz, M.: Intelligente und interaktive Augmented Reality (AR)-basierte Assistenzsysteme in der Intralogistik. Praxisforum Digitalisierung 2024, 15 April 2024, Oldenburg (Projekt: AR Improve)
[Pet23a] |
Petzoldt, C.: IRiS-Simulationsumgebung: Präsentation und Diskussion mit BMVI-Generalsekretär. IHATEC Statuskonferenz, 18 September 2023, Berlin (Projekt: IRiS)
[Tra23a] |
Trapp, M.: SneakerLCA - Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Sneakern im Produktlebenszyklus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung additiver Fertigungsverfahren und lokaler Herstellung. Das Goldene Plietsch, 12 September 2023, Bremen (Projekt: PrintAI)
[Tra23] |
Trapp, M.: Kundenindividuelle nachhaltige Lebensmittellogistik. Tag der Logistik, 20 April 2023, Bremen (Projekt: KiNaLog)
[Qua23] |
Quandt, M.; Leder, R.: Windturbine Instandhaltung Assistenzsystem für die Instandhaltung von Windenergieanlagen. VR & AR-Technologien live erleben, 9 February 2023, Hamburg (Projekt: compARe)
[Kre22a] |
Kreutz, M.; Trapp, M.: Qualitätsoptimierung für Schuhe aus dem 3D-Drucker. Campus City 2022, 12 October 2022 (Projekt: PrintAI)
[Nie22a] |
Niermann, D.: Intuitive Steuerungssoftware für technische Logistiksysteme. CAMPUS CITY Die Uni kommt in die Stadt, 12 October 2022, Bremen (Projekt: KoMILo)
[Pet21c] |
Petzoldt, C.: (Logistik-)Robotik für Einsteiger (10 Videos). DVZ Blue-Rocket Videoserie, 19 November 2021, Hamburg
[Pet20c] |
Petzoldt, C.: Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in Produktion und Logistik. Additive Manufacturing Stammtisch Nordwest, 21 September 2020, Bremen
[Wil19] |
Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Rolfs, L.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.: Digitaler Zwilling Überblick und neue Perspektiven für die digitale Zwillingsinteraktion in Produktion und Logistik. ; Arbeitskreis Prozesse/ IT / Technologien der Bundesverband Deutscher Postdienstleister e.V, 27 November 2019, Bremen (Projekt: IRiS)
[Asa19] |
Asanga Udugama; Prof. Anna Förster; Michael Lütjen; Ann-Kathrin Rohde: Rehabilitation of communications to enable fast response in disaster scenarios. WSDN, 18 October 2019 - 19 October 2019, Bremen
[Bei19d] |
Beinke, T.: Roboter revolutioniert die Container-Entladung. Hamburger Logistiktage, 30 January 2019 - 31 January 2019 (Projekt: IRiS)
[Bör18a] |
Börold, A.: Entwicklung eines Assistenzsystems zur Unfallvermeidung bei Flurförderfahrzeugen durch die Analyse von 2D/3D Daten. 4. VDI-Fachkonferenz Autonome Systeme in der Produktion 2018, 11 December 2018 - 12 December 2018, Baden Baden (Projekt: PraeVISION)
[Bei18c] |
Beinke, T.: Intuitive Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion bei der Entladung von Containern. Arbeitskreis Prozesse/ IT / Technologien der Bundesverband Deutscher Postdienstleister e.V, 4 December 2018 - 5 December 2018, Uden (Netherlands) (Projekt: IRiS)
[Bei18d] |
Beinke, T.: Automatisierte Entladung von Containern. Hamburger Hafenrat, 13 November 2018, Hamburg (Projekt: IRiS)
[För18] |
Förster, A.; Lütjen, M.; Udugama, A.; Rohde, A.-K.: Rehabilitation of communications to enable fast response in disaster scenarios. WSDN, 17 October 2018 - 18 October 2018, Bremen, GER
[Tho18] |
Thoben, K.-D.; Drechsler, R; Burwinkel, M.; Rohde, A.-K.: Digitized cross-company and seaport-wide collaboration to restore and sustain disaster relief. WSDN, 17 October 2018 - 18 October 2018, Bremen, GER
[Teu18c] |
Teucke, M.; Veigt, M.: Digitalisierung in der Logistik für produzierende Unternehmen. abas Kundentag 2018, 21 June 2018, Bremen (Projekt: SaSCh)
[Teu18b] |
Teucke, M.: Sensor- und Traceabilitydaten in der Supply Chain. Hannover Messe International HMI, 23 April 2018 - 27 April 2018, Hannover (Projekt: SaSCh)
[Oel18] |
Oelker, S.: Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitalisierung auf dem Meer Wie können Daten rund um den OWP erhoben, ausgewertet und genutzt werden?. 11. EUROFORUM - KONFERENZ, 27 February 2018 - 28 February 2018, Hamburg (Projekt: preInO)
[Qua17d] |
Quandt, M.: Augmented Reality - Effektive Unterstützung von Service und Instandhaltung. BWE-Konferenz: Digitalisierung in Betrieb und Instandhaltung von Windenergieanlagen, 5 December 2017 - 6 December 2017, Hannover (Projekt: AR Maintenance Syste)
[Mor17a] | Mortensen Ernits, R.: Potentials of omnidirectional track drive systems for off-road vehicles. IVT Autonomous Industrial Vehicle Technology Symposium 2017, 14 November 2017 - 15 November 2017, Collogne (project: Omniketten) |
[Oel17b] | Oelker, S.: Methods and tools for a preacting maintenance of offshore wind turbines. Blueweek 2017, 9 October 2017 - 10 October 2017, Rostock (project: preInO) |
[Fre17] |
Freitag, M.; Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.: The Impact of Information Sharing on Installation Processes of Offshore Wind Farms. CIRP - International Academy for Production Engineering - 67 th General Assembly, 20 August 2017 - 26 August 2017, Lugano (project: Mon2Sea)
[Tha17] |
Thamer, H.: celluveyor - New and innovative conveying technology. DHL Global Technology Conference 2017, 9 May 2017 - 11 May 2017, Amsterdam, NL (project: Celluveyor II)
[Bei17a] |
Beinke, T.: Entscheidungsunterstützung für die operative Planung des Offshore-Transports. Forum Maritim - Assistenzsysteme im Kontext umweltfreundlicher Technologien, 3 May 2017, Elsfleth (Projekt: IeK)
[Bei17] |
Beinke, T.: Echtzeitnahen Koordination des Offshore-Transports - Berücksichtigung von Ressourcenspezifika und dynamischen Seegangbedingungen. Einsatzmanagement für den Offshore Windpark - Betrieb, 9 March 2017, Bremen (Projekt: IeK)
[Dir16] |
Dirk Werthmann: Technologies for vehicle location and vehicle tracking on the terminal. ECG Academy, 1 December 2016, Bremen
[Ehm16a] |
Ehm, J.; Werthmann, D.: Transport oriented sequence planning in production. ECG Academy, 1 December 2016, Bremen
[Qua16a] |
Quandt, M.; Bischoff, F.: Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung einer mobilen AR-Lösung für die Instandhaltung von Windenergieanlagen. 12. Anwenderforum: Einsatz mobiler Lösungen in Instandhaltung & Service, 28 November 2016 - 30 November 2016, Essen (Projekt: AR Maintenance Syste)
[Dit16a] |
Dittmer, P.: Industrie 4.0 An Overview on CPS Research in Germany. Group Meeting Airbus Procurement, 18 October 2016, Bremen
[Bis16b] |
Bischoff, F.; Quandt, M.: Augmented Reality: Werkzeug für Installations- und Wartungsanleitungen. ZVEI Fachverband Elektroinstallationssysteme: Mitgliederversammlung, 15 September 2016, Berlin (Projekt: AR Maintenance Syste)
[Oel16c] |
Oelker, S.: Industrie 4.0: Wie finde ich den Einstieg?. CosmeticBusiness, 8 June 2016 - 9 June 2016, München
[Tha16b] |
Thamer, H.: Celluveyor - Innovative und hochflexible Fördertechnik für die Intralogistik 4.0. VDI Arbeitskreis Produktion und Logistik, 4 May 2016, Bremen (Projekt: Celluveyor)
[Spr16a] |
Sprodowski, T.: Stabilität eines DMPC-Systems in einem Kreuzungsszenario. Elgersburg Workshop 2015, 6 April 2016 - 8 April 2016
[Bis16] |
Bischoff, Frank; Quandt, Moritz: Augmented-Reality-Brillen als Teil von Industrie 4.0 - Möglichkeiten zum Einsatz der akteullen Entwicklungen. VDI - Bremer Bezirksverein, 7 April 2016, Bremen (Projekt: AR Maintenance Syste)
[Wei15] |
Weimer, D.: Context-aware Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Industrial Inspection. Workshop on Deep Learning and its Applications in Vision and Robotics, 2 December 2015, Canberra, AUS (project: SFB747 - B5)
[Tha15c] |
Thamer, H.: Industrie 4.0 - Perspektiven in der Intralogistik. Industrie 4.0, 20 November 2015, Bremerhaven (Projekt: Celluveyor)
[Oel15b] |
Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.: Industrie 4.0 Preagierende Instandhaltung. SAP: AK Instandhaltung und Servicemanagement, 12 November 2015 - 13 November 2015, Walldorf (Projekte: preInO, Instandhaltung)
[Rei15] |
Reinhold, D. ; Harenslak, T. ; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.: Methods and tools to enable preacting maintenance measures. OFFSHORE Wind R6D 2015, 13 October 2015 - 15 October 2015, Bremerhaven (Projekt: preInO)
[Spr15a] |
Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.: Collaboration of autonomous vehicles using the MPC-algorithm with a shortened solution space. XXXV DYNAMICS DAYS, 6 September 2015 - 10 September 2015, Exeter, UK
[Tha15b] |
Thamer, H.: Intelligente Robotersysteme für den automatisierten Wareneingang in der Logistik. Autonome Systeme in Produktion und Logistik, 1 July 2015 - 2 July 2015, Karlsruhe
[Wer15d] |
Werthmann, D.: RFID@BIBA. VDA Arbeitskreis Auto ID, 10 June 2015 - 11 June 2015, Berlin
[Wer15b] |
Werthmann, D.: Innovationen und Herausforderungen in der Fahrzeugdistribution - Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes RAN. Leipziger Produktionstage 2015, 23 April 2015 - 24 April 2015, Leipzig (Projekt: RAN)
[Tha15] |
Thamer, H.: Robotik in der Logistik. InnovationsforumBaden, 22 April 2015, Gengenbach, DE
[Wer15] |
Werthmann, D.; Strese, H.: Beitrag von Smart Textiles im demografischen Wandel. 3. Anwenderforum SMART TEXTILES, 11 March 2015 - 12 March 2015, Stuttgart (Projekt: EUNA)
[Oel15] |
Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.: Mobile Instandhaltung am Beispiel der Offshore-Windenergie Potenziale tragbarer Systeme für die lebenszyklusübergreifende Nutzung umfangreicher Betriebsdaten. Instandhaltungstage Nord 2015, 25 February 2015 - 27 February 2015, Essen (Projekte: AILES, ADOS, preInO)
[Bei15a] |
Beinke, T.: IT in der Logistik Bestandteile und Anwendung. Delegation aus der Volksrepublik China, Provinz Zhejiang, an der Hochschule Bremen, 13 January 2015 - 20 January 2015, Bremen
[Bei14a] |
Beinke, T.: Offshore-Windenergie Eine neue Branche entsteht. Delegation aus der Volksrepublik China, Provinz Shanxi, an der Hochschule Bremen, 1 September 2014 - 9 September 2014 (Projekt: Mon2Sea)
[Bei14b] |
Beinke, T.: Global Sourcing im Offshore-Windenergiemarkt Chance für alle Beteiligte. Delegation aus der Volksrepublik China, Provinz Shanxi, an der Hochschule Bremen, 1 September 2014 (Projekt: Mon2Sea)
[Küc14b] |
Kück, M.: Automated Forecasting of Univariate Time Series Based on Classification. International Symposium on Forecasting, 29 June 2014 - 2 July 2014, Rotterdam, NL (project: PROGNOSE_NLD_2)
[Lap14a] |
Lappe, D.: Wie kann Industrie 4.0 umgesetzt werden?. VDMA LabTour Industrie 4.0, 24 June 2014, Bremen, Germany (Projekt: CyProS)
[Tha14a] |
Thamer, H.: 3D Sensorsimulation als Testbed für neue Automatisierungslösungen. Industrielle Bildverarbeitung als Schlüsseltechnologie für Industrie 4.0, 19 May 2014, Hannover
[Küc14a] |
Kück, M.: Prediction of customer demands for production planning Automated Selection and configuration of suitable prediction methods. BIBA-Forum, 10 April 2014, Bremen (Projekt: PROGNOSE_NLD_2)
[Oel14] |
Oelker, S.: Technologien in der Logistik - Entscheidend für Effizienz, herausfordernd für die IT. Innovationsforum CeBIT 2014, 10 March 2014 - 14 March 2014, Hannover
[Wer14] |
Werthmann, D.: Development and test of an innovative RFID license plate. CeBIT Forum AIDC/RFID 2014, 10 March 2014 - 14 March 2014, Hannover (Projekt: EVIdent)
[Tha14] |
Thamer, H.: 3D Bildverarbeitung für die Automatisierung logistischer Prozesse. Arbeitskreistagung BVDP, 12 March 2014 - 13 March 2014, SICK AG, Waldkirch
[Wer13f] |
Werthmann, D.: Transparente Materialflüsse in der Automobilindustrie durch standardisierten Informationsaustausch zwischen Partnerunternehmen. Technology Review Innovationskongress, 5 November 2013 - 6 November 2013, Berlin (Projekt: Ramp-Up)
[Lüt13b] |
Lütjen, M.; Teucke, M.; Isenberg, M.-A.; Thamer, H.; Uriarte, C.; Kunaschk, S.: Design of SmartGate Technologies for Enhanced Material Handling. 6th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL), 23 October 2013 - 25 October 2013, Zaragoza, Spain
[Har13c] |
Hartmann, J.; Vieira, C.: Integration of manufacturing and logistics along global supply chains. BRAGECRIM - 5th annual meeting, 30 September 2013 - 2 October 2013, Sao Carlos, Brasil (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Har13g] |
Harjes, F.: Integration von Selbststeuerung in die Disposition von Verleihartikeln in der Eventlogistik. Logistikmanagement 2013, 10 September 2013 - 13 September 2013, Bremen (Projekt: SFB 637 - T6)
[Har13d] |
Hartmann, J.: Quasi-real-time control of integrated production and transport operations. OR 2013 conference, 3 September 2013 - 6 September 2013, Rotterdam, Netherlands (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Dit13] |
Dittmer, P.: RFID for Value Chain Visibility in Cargo. MAKS 2013, 27 August 2013 - 1 September 2013, Moskau, Russland (projects: SIMKAB, ESecLog)
[Har13e] |
Hartmann, J.: An approach for the detection of critical disturbances in integrated production and transport systems. 26th european conference on Operational Research, 1 July 2013 - 4 July 2013, Rom, Italien (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Wer13b] |
Werthmann, D.: RFID in der intermodalen Fahrzeugdistribution. Logita, 13 June 2013 - 14 June 2013, Osnabrück (Projekt: RAN)
[Wer13a] |
Werthmann, D.: Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt RAN - Chancen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. VDMA Veranstaltung \\\\, 5 June 2013, Frankfurt am Main (Projekt: RAN)
[Lüt13a] |
Lütjen, M.; Rippel, D.: Application of Logistic Quality Control in Micro Cold Forming. International Symposium on Control Applications and Automation Systems, ISCAAS 2013, 15 May 2013, Grimstad, NO (project: SFB747 - C4)
[Tha13d] |
Thamer, H.: Das Roboterauge im Einsatz beim Containerentladen - Intelligente Bildverarbeitung in der Containerentladung. EINFACH WISSENSWERT: Logistik Bremen / Bremerhaven, 25 April 2013, Bremen (Projekt: EMOSES)
[Wer13] |
Werthmann, D.: Vorstellung Projekt RAN: RFID based Automotive Network. BITKOM AG Supply Chain & Rahmenbedingungen & HOLM Expertenkreis Digital Supply Chain, 23 April 2013, Frankfurt am Main (Projekt: RAN)
[Wer13c] |
Werthmann, D.: Stand des RFID-Einsatzes in der Automobil-Industrie. LOGIS.NET - Fachseminar, 24 January 2013, Osnabrück (Projekt: RAN)
[Bei12f] |
Beinke, T.; Bodenstarb, M.: Real-time monitoring of transport and cargo handling of components for the offshore installation of wind turbines. Reducing costs of onshore and offshore wind energy, 15 November 2012, Paris
[Tha12] |
Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.: Intelligente Bildverarbeitung in Produktions- und Logistikprozessen. VISION 2012, 6 November 2012 - 8 November 2012, Stuttgart (Projekte: EMOSES, SFB747 - B5)
[Wer12f] |
Werthmann, D.: Daimler Uses RFID to Track and Trace Vehicles. RFID Journal LIVE! Europe, 24 October 2012 - 25 October 2012, Oslo, NO (project: RAN)
[Har12d] |
Hartmann, J.; Novaes, A.G.N.: Towards quasi real-time scheduling of integrated production and transport systems. BRAGECRIM - 4th annual meeting, 8 October 2012 - 10 October 2012, Aachen (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Dit12c] |
Dittmer, P.: RFID based concepts for the support of air cargo clearance processes. RFID in Aviation. Trends for Future Use, 12 September 2012, Berlin (project: SIMKAB)
[Oel12a] |
Oelker, S.: Innovative Seehafentechnologien II, Instandhaltungsoptimierung. CeMAT Hafenforum, 10 September 2012 - 11 September 2012, Wilhelmshaven (Projekt: Instandhaltung)
[Har12c] |
Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: A genetic algorithm for the integrated scheduling of production and transport systems. OR 2012 Conference, 4 September 2012 - 7 September 2012, Hannover (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Har12a] |
Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: A graph theory based heuristic for capacity and cost oriented integrated production and maritime transport scheduling. 25th European Conference on Operations Research, 8 July 2012 - 11 July 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM)
[Ise12b] | Isenberg, Marc-André: Scheduling a flow shop of batch processors containing individual job families. 25th European Conference on Operational Research, 8 July 2012 - 11 July 2012, Vilnius (project: RoboCon) |
[Wer12b] |
Werthmann, D.: Daimler Uses RFID to Track and Trace Vehicles. RFID Journal LIVE! 2012, 3 April 2012 - 5 April 2012, Orlando, USA (project: RAN)
[Wer12a] |
Werthmann, D.: Effizienter Informationsaustausch in der Automobilindustrie. CeBIT, 6 March 2012 - 10 March 2012, Hannover (Projekt: RAN)
[Hei12] |
Heitkötter, J.: \"Green Logistics\" - Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit und seine Auswirkungen auf zukünftige Qualifizierungsbedarfe in der Logistik. Bildung Personal Logistik, 1 February 2012, Bremen (Projekt: KeyP green)
[Mak12] |
Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Robust Production Capacity Allocation in Supply Chains. 9th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, 25 January 2012 - 29 January 2012, Riezlern, Austria (project: LSLN)
[Lüt11] |
Lütjen, M.: Towards Optimized Loading Sets for the Offshore Installation of Wind Trubines. The 3rd Annual New England Marine Renewable Energy Center Technical Conference, 7 November 2011 - 8 November 2011, Boston, MA, USA
[Hei11a] |
Heitkötter, J.: KeyP green - Notwendigkeit von Ressourcenverbrauchserfassung. CFLP Delegation, 20 September 2011, Bremen (project: KeyP green)
[Scho11ba] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Makuschewitz, T.; Schönlein, M.: Robust capacity allocation in dynamic production networks. 61st CIRP General Assembly, 21 August 2011 - 27 August 2011, Budapest, Hungary (project: LSLN)
[Fri11a] |
Fries, C. E.; Luna, M. M. M; Makuschewitz, T.: A Multicriteria Real Time Scheduling Approach for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2011), 10 July 2011 - 15 July 2011, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia
[Mak11] |
Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: A New Method for a Cost-oriented Robust Supply Chain Design. 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2011), 10 July 2011 - 15 July 2011, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia (project: LSLN)
[Teu11] |
Teucke, M.: Applications of Smart Objects in Logistics. 17th Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, 20 June 2011 - 22 June 2011, Aachen
[Uck11g] | Uckelmann, Dieter: Architecting the Internet of Things. Future Internet Public Private Partnership, 18 May 2011, Budapest, HU (project: LogDyanmics Lab) |
[Jag11] |
Jagalski, T.: Autonomous Control of a Shop Floor Based on the Nest Construction Behavior of Wasps. The Engineering Conference Southern Norway 2011, 12 May 2011, Grimstad, Norway (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Scho11aq] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rekersbrink, H.: Herausforderungen und Potenziale einer echtzeitfähigen Logistik. 18. Aachener ERP-Tage, 9 May 2011 - 11 May 2011
[Pal11] |
Pallasch, A.-K.: Die Logistikfabrik der Zukunft. CeMAT 2011, 2 May 2011 - 6 May 2011, Hannover, Germany
[Fri11] | Fries, C.; Luna, M.M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.: A Multidimensional Relative Efficiency Analysis of Brazilian Logistics Service Providers. 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 29 April 2011 - 2 May 2011, Reno, Nevada, USA (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM) |
[Scho11an] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schwindt, C.; Frazzon, E.M.; Makuschewitz, T.: Coordinating a Chain of Dynamic Manufacturing and Transportation Systems by Negotiation. 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 29 April 2011 - 2 May 2011, Reno, Nevada, USA (project: LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM) |
[Uck11h] | Uckelmann, D.; Harrison, M.; Michahelles, F.: Architecting the Internet of Things. RACE networkRFID, 29 March 2011, Prague, CR (project: LogDyanmics Lab) |
[Uck11c] | Uckelmann, Dieter: Architecting the Internet of Things. RACE Academic and Researcher Workshop, 29 March 2011, Prague, CZ (project: LogDyanmics Lab) |
[Uck11f] | Uckelmann, Dieter: Von automatischer Identifikation zu intelligenten Systemen. Wissenswerte, 17 March 2011 (Projekt: LogDyanmics Lab) |
[Mak11a] |
Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Production Network Engineering: An approach to robust capacity allocation to stochastic production processes. 8th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, 26 January 2011 - 30 January 2011, Riezlern, Austria (project: LSLN)
[Scho11aa] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.: RAN RFID based Automotive Network - Control of Manufacturing and Logistics in the Automotive Industry. CIRP January Meeting, 26 January 2011 - 28 January 2011, Paris, France (project: RAN)
[Scho11bt] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J.; Lappe, D.: Sampling of Variables in Discrete-Event Simulation Using the Example of Inventory Evolutions in Job-Shop-Systems Based on Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Data. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ICMS 2011), 25 January 2011 - 27 January 2011, Dubai, UAE (project: NLD_Werkstatt)
[Jag10] |
Jagalski, T: An introduction to bio-analogous dispatching strategies. Peking University, 14 July 2010, Peking, China (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Scho10at] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Makuschewitz, T.; Schönlein, M.: Robust Capacity Allocation in Supply Chains. 24th European Conference on Operational Research, 11 July 2010 - 14 July 2010, Lisbon, Portugal (project: LSLN)
[Hil10b] |
Hildebrandt, T.; Frommberger, L.; Wolter, D.; Zabel, Chr.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freksa, Chr.: Towards Optimization of Manufacturing Systems using Autonomous Robotic Observers. ICME 2010, 23 June 2010 - 25 June 2010, Capri, Italy (project: SFB637-B2)
[Wer10a] |
Werthmann, D.: Möglichkeiten zur Ortung von Fahrzeugen in der Automobilindustrie. CeBIT Forum AutoID/RFID, 2 March 2010 - 6 March 2010, Hannover
[Mak10b] |
Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Dynamic Integration of Production and Transportation Systems along Global Supply Chains. 7th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, 27 January 2010 - 31 January 2010, Riezlern, Austria (project: LSLN)
[Jag09] |
Jagalski, T: Autonomous cooperating logistic processes. University of Agder, 2 October 2009, Grimstad, Norway (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Scho09an] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Kosmykov, M.; Schönlein, M.: A framework to model reduction and stability analysis for supply chains. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 5 July 2009 - 8 July 2009, Bonn, Germany (project: LSLN)
[Rek09b] |
Rekersbrink, H.: Autonomously Controlled Routing in Transport Networks - An Introduction to Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes. Lindbergh Lecture Series (PhD-Colloquium) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 7 May 2009, Madison, USA (project: SFB637-B1-II)
[Mak09a] |
Makuschewitz, T.: An approach for identifying the most important locations of a supply chain. 6th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, 4 February 2009 - 8 February 2009, Riezlern, Austria (project: LSLN)
[Mak08] |
Makuschewitz, T.: Analysis of the dynamics of large-scale logistics networks. 8. Internationaler Doktoranden-Workshop Logistik & SCM der BVL, 21 October 2008, Berlin, Germany (Projekt: LSLN)
[Jag08] |
Jagalski, T: Modeling and analysis of dynamics of biologically inspired autonomous cooperating production logistic processes. PhD-Colloquium at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UW-M, 11 September 2008, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Mak08b] |
Makuschewitz, T.; Kosmykov, M.; Schönlein, M.: Analysis of the dynamics of large-scale logistics networks. International Conference Operations Research, 3 September 2008 - 5 September 2008, Augsburg, Germany (project: LSLN)
[Rek08a] |
Rekersbrink, H.; Wenning, B.-L.: An Autonomous Control Concept for Adapted Vehicle Routing Problems. Operations Research 2008, 3 September 2008 - 5 September 2008 (project: SFB637-B1-II)
[Jag05] |
Jagalski, T: Modelling and Analysis of Dynamics of Autonomous Logistic Processes. Thematic Institute on Information and Material Flows in Complex Networks, 15 June 2005 - 15 July 2005, Goldrain, Italy (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Jag05a] |
Jagalski, T: Autonomous Control of Shop Floor Logistics First results of the CRC 637 sub-project Modelling and Analysis of Dynamics of Autonomous Logistic Processes. Thematic Institute on Information and Material Flows in Complex Networks, 15 June 2005 - 15 July 2005, Goldrain, Italy (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Jag05b] |
Jagalski, T: Intelligent Autonomous Items in Production and Logistics. Thematic Institute on Information and Material Flows in Complex Networks, 15 June 2005 - 15 July 2005, Goldrain, Italy (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[de 05] |
de Beer, C; Jagalski, T: Modelling dynamics of autonomous logistic processes - discrete-event vs. continuous approaches. Kolloquium des Bremer Instituts für Betriebstechnik und angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft, 31 January 2005, University of Bremen (project: SFB 637 - A5)
[Uck70] | Uckelmann, Dieter: The Economic Potential of RFID and the Internet of Things. RACE networkRFID, 31 March 2011 - 1 January 1970, Prague, CR (project: LogDyanmics Lab) |