Referierte Publikationen |
Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [8] |
[Ehm15a] | Ehm, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.: Graph-based integrated production and intermodal transport scheduling with capacity restrictions. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 9(2015)2, pp. 23-30 |
[Har13i] | Hartmann, J.; Metzger, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Detektion kritischer Störungen in Supply Chains. In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, S. 26-30 |
[Sil13] |
Silva, V. M. D.; Novaes, A. G.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Piotrowski, J.: The Problem of Collaboration in Manufactured Goods Exportation Through Autonomous Agents and System Dynamic Theories. In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 20(2013)1, pp. 114-125
[Scho11ai] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A.G.N.; Frazzon, E.M.; Makuschewitz, T: A New Approach for Handling Perturbations in Supply Chains. In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)2, pp. 19-22
[Scho11ax] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Novaes, A.G.N.; Frazzon, E.M.; Lima Jr., O.F.: An approach for the sustainable integration of production and transportation. In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10(2011)2, pp. 158179 |
[Sil11] |
Silva, V. M. D. ; Loureiro, S. A.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Kollaborativer Seetransport. In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)2, S. 55-58
[Scho10an] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E.M.; Makuschewitz, T.: Integrating manufacturing and logistic systems along global supply chains. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2(2010)3, pp. 216-223 |
[Scho09ar] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E.M.; Makuschewitz, T.: Integration von Produktions- und Transportsystemen entlang globaler Supply Chains. In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)6, S. 31-34
Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [12] |
[Ehm15b] | Ehm, J.; Freitag, M.: The benefit of integrating production and transport scheduling. In: Teti, R. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2015, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015, pp. 585-590 (also project: IPODS) |
[Cha13] | Chaves Mates, W.; Frazzon, E.; Hartmann, J.; Mayerle, S.: A Graph Model for the Integrated Scheduling of Intermodal Transport Operations in Global Supply Chains. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 301-311 |
[Fra13] | Frazzon, E.M.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Towards Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Networks. In: Procedia CIRP. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2013, pp. 49-54 |
[Fra13a] |
Frazzon, E.M.; Pintarelli, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Simulation-Based Analysis of Integrated Production and Transport Logistics. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (Hrsg.): Dynamics in Logistics. Third International Conference, LDIC 2012, Bremen, Germany, February 2012, Proceedings, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, S. 499-508
[Har13] | Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E.M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: A genetic algorithm for the integrated scheduling of production and transport systems. In: Helber, S.; Breitner, M.; Rösch, D.; Schön, C.; Graf von der Schulenburg, J.-M.; Sibbertsen, P.; Steinbach, M.; Weber, S.; Wolter, A. (eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2012. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 533-539 |
[Scho13g] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Fries, C. E.: A framework for the control of integrated production and transport systems by combining evolutionary scheduling with fault detection methods. In: Sethi, S. (eds.): Integrating practice in POM research and teaching. N.N, Denver, USA, 2013, pp. 10 |
[Scho13h] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E.M.: A generic approach for the graph-based integrated production and intermodal transport scheduling with capacity restrictions. In: Procedia CIRP. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2013, pp. 109-114 |
[Fra11a] |
Frazzon, E. M. ; Loureiro, S. A.; Lima Jr., O. F.; Scholz-Reiter, B. : A Knowledge Management Approach for the Integration of Manufacturing and Logistics in Global Production Networks. In: Duffie, N. A. (eds.): 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA, 2011, pp. 6
[Scho11al] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schwindt, C.; Frazzon, E.M.; Makuschewitz, T.: An Approach to Negotiation-Based Alignment of Manufacturing and Transportation Systems along Global Production Networks. In: Duffie, N.A. (eds.): 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Omnipress, Madison, WI, USA, 2011, pp. 6
[Scho10ar] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schwindt, C.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.: Approach for the Integration of Production Scheduling and Inter-facility Transportation within Global Supply Chains. In: Hanna, M. D. (eds.): 21th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. Operations in Emerging Economies, Production and Operations Management Society, 2010, pp. 32 |
[Fra09a] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.: A Framework for the Informational Integration of Production and Transport Systems. In: Prudêncio Jacques, M. A. ; de Morais Neto, G. C. (eds.): XXIII ANPET Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes. N.N, 2009, pp. 12
[Scho09am] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.: Integrating Manufacturing and Logistic Systems along Global Supply Chains. In: 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. N.N, 2009, pp. 7
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden (auch in Schriftenreihen) (referiert) [5] |
[Fra12b] | Frazzon, E. M.; Pintarelli Jr., J.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Simulation-based Analysis of Integrated Production and Transport Logistics. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 499-508 |
[Fra11] | Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: Converting Knowledge into Performance Within Global Production and Logistic Systems. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 433-442 |
[Nov11] | Novaes, A. G. N.; Frazzon, E. M.; Burin, P. J. : Dynamic Vehicle Routing in Over Congested Urban Areas. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 49-58 |
[Scho11s] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.: Dynamic Scheduling of Production and Inter-Facilities Logistic Systems. In: Kreowski, H.-J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 443-453 |
[Scho10ap] | Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Lima Jr., O. F.: Sustainable Integration of Logistics and Manufacturing Systems along Global Supply Chains. In: Delfmann, W.; Wimmer, T. (eds.): Strukturwandel in der Logistik, Wissenschaft und Praxis im Dialog, 5. Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik 2010. DVV Media Group GmbH, Deutscher Verkehrsverlag, Hamburg, 2010, pp. 4760 |
Nicht-referierte Publikationen |
Konferenzbeiträge (nicht referiert) [10] |
[Ehm14] | Ehm, J.; Frazzon, E. M.: Real-Time Scheduling of Supply Chains: Challenges and Graph-Based Solution Approach. In: International Science Index Vol:8 No:3 2014. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Istanbul, 2014, pp. 3 |
[Fra12] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.: An Approach for the Rescheduling of Integrated Production and Transport Systems. In: van Donk, D. P.; de Koster, R.; de Leeuw, S.; Fransoo, J.; van der Veen, J. (eds.): 4th World Conference Production & Operations Management. Serving the World, Production & Operations Management Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012, pp. 10
Weitere Informationen
[Fra12a] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Hartmann, J.; Pintarelli Jr., J.: Hybrid Triggers for Production Scheduling along Global Supply Chains. In: van Donk, D. P.; de Koster, R.; de Leeuw, S.; Fransoo, J.; van der Veen, J. (eds.): 4th World Conference Production & Operations Management. Serving the World, Production & Operations Management Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012, pp. 10
Weitere Informationen
[Pai12] |
Paiva, E.; Hartmann, J.; Carvalho, C.; Novaes, A.G.N.; Fontes Lima, O.; Scholz-Reiter, B.: An approach to quasi real time control of dynamic cold chain transport operations. In: Cybis, H.B.B.; Fernandes, C.W.N.; Carlson, R.C. (eds.): Panorama nacional da pesquisa em transportes 2012. N.N, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012, pp. 12
[Scho12z] |
Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A.G.N.; Hartmann, J.; Makuschewitz, T.: Assigning and scheduling of a homogeneous fleet of vehicles to services with due date. In: Cybis, H.B.B.; Fernandes, C.W.N.; Carlson, R.C.C. (eds.): Panorama nacional da pesquisa em transportes 2012. N.N, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012, pp. 12
[Fra10] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Makuschewitz, T.: A Conceptual View of the Cross-Cultural Management of Logistic and Production Systems. In: XXIV ANPET - Congresso de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes. N.N, 2010, pp. 12
[Fra10a] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N. : Assessing the Integrated Scheduling of Manufacturing and Transportation Systems Along Global Supply Chains. In: 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). WCTR Society, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010, pp. 25
[Mak10] | Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.: A MIP for the Integrated Production and Transportation Scheduling of an OEM. In: de Sinay, M. C. F.; Faé, M. I.; Canen, A. G. (eds.): ICIL'2010, International Conference on Industrial Logistics. Logistics and Sustainability, ICIIL, 2010, pp. 163171 |
[Scho10ao] |
Scholz-Reiter, B; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Kumar, N.: A Review of Heuristic Approaches for Vehicle Routing and Production Scheduling. In: XXIV ANPET - Congresso de Ensino e Pesquisa em Transportes. N.N, 2010, pp. 12
[Fra09] |
Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A.G.N.: Aspects on the Integration of Production and Transport Processes Along Global Supply Chains. In: Prudêncio Jacques, M. A.; de Morais Neto, G. C. (eds.): XXIII ANPET Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes. N.N, 2009, pp. 12