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Referierte Publikationen

Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [1]

[Wil22] Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Freitag, M.: Konzept für ein modulares, rekonfigurierbares Montagesystem. In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)4, S. 33-37
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Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [3]

[Wil24] Wilhelm, J.; Niermann, D.; Keiser, D.; Freitag, M.: Towards Holistic Interoperability of Cyber-Physical Production Systems within RAMI 4.0. In: Procedia Computer Science. Proc. of ISM 2023, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 946-955, DOI 10.1016/j.procs.2024.01.094
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[Wil24b] Wilhelm, J.; Tibo, V.; Freitag, M.: Beyond Supervision: Reviewing Operator Types and their Requirements in the Context of Human-Automation Interaction. In: Putnik, G. (eds.): Procedia CIRP. Proc. of CIRP CMS 2024, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2024, pp. 510-515, DOI 10.1016/j.procir.2024.10.122 (also project: KoMAR)
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

[Wil23] Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Freitag, M.: Requirements and concept development for a reconfigurable assembly system with individual and interchangeable modules. In: Teti, R.; D'Addona, D. (eds.): Procedia CIRP 118. Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 964-969, DOI 10.1016/j.procir.2023.06.166
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