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Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [1]

[Bra24] Braghirolli, L. V.; Mendes, L. G.; Engbers, H.; Leohold, S.; Triska, Y.; Flores, M. R.; de Souza, R. O.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.: Improving production and maintenance planning with meta-learning-based failure prediction. In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 75(2024)1, pp. 42-55, DOI 10.1016/j.jmsy.2024.05.014
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Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [5]

[Leo24] Leohold, S.; Freitag, M.: Adaptive ensemble learning for machine tool prognostics from meta-feature-based context information. In: Arena, S.; Roda, I.; Voisin, A.; Parlikad, A. K.; Emmanouilidis, C. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2024, pp. 252-257, DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.08.129 (also project: AutoCBM)
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[Sil22] Silva, M. J. d.; Braghirolli, L. F.; Broda, E.; Engbers, H.; Frazzon, E. M.; Pereira, C. E.: An ontological approach for modelling evolutionary knowledge of prognostic method selection. In: Cohen, Y. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine. 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS 2022, Elseiver, Amsterdam, 2022, pp. 181-186, DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.04.190
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[Eng21] Engbers, Hendrik; Braghirolli, Lynceo F; Leohold, Simon; Triska, Yuri; Frazzon, Enzo M; Freitag, Michael: Conceptional Model for Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning with Automated Prognostic Method Selection. In: IFAC PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 635-640, DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.174
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[Leo21] Leohold, S.; Engbers, H.; Freitag, M.: Prognostic Methods for Predictive Maintenance: A generalized Topology. In: Monostori, L.; Kádár, B.; Szaller, A. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 54(2021)1. Proc. of IFAC INCOM 2021, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, pp. 629-634, DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.073
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

[Eng20a] Engbers, H.; Ait Alla, A.; Kreutz, M.; Freitag, M.: Applicability of Algorithm Evaluation Metrics for Predictive Maintenance in Production Systems. In: 2020 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt). IEEE, 2020, S. 413-418, DOI 10.1109/CiSt49399.2021.9357277
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Eingereichte und akzeptierte, noch nicht publizierte Arbeiten

Artikel in Zeitschriften (noch nicht publiziert) [1]

[Eng24a] Engbers, H.; Freitag, M.: Automated Model Selection for Multivariate Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Systems. In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 0/2024
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