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Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [2]

[Hof23] Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Sprodowski, T.; Freitag, M.: Vehicle compound planning and control system: A planning and control framework for vehicle compounds with online-optimization on the level of individual workers. In: Expert Systems with Applications, 231/2023, pp. 120660 (also project: Isabella)
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

[Gör22] Görges, M.; Freitag, M.: Design and Evaluation of an Integrated Autonomous Control Method for Automobile Terminals. In: Logistics, 6(2022)4, pp. 27 (also project: Isabella)
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [2]

[Spr23] Sprodowski, T.; Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Freitag, M.: Dimension reduction for a multi-resource general assignment problem by decomposable costs for a vehicle compound. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine 56(2023)2. Proc. of IFAC World Congress 2023. Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2023, pp. 11148-11153
[ BibTeX | DOI ]

[Spr22] Sprodowski, T.; Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Freitag, M.: Balance efficient shuttle routing and fast order execution on a vehicle compound. In: Bernard, A.; Dolgui, A.; Benderbal, H. H.; Ivanov, D.; Lemoine, D.; Sgarbossa, F. (eds.): IFAC-PapersOnLine 55(2022)10. Proc. of IFAC MIM 2022, Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, 2022, pp. 61-66
[ BibTeX | DOI | www ]

Beiträge zu Sammelbänden (auch in Schriftenreihen) (referiert) [1]

[Hof21] Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Teucke, M.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.: Automobile Logistics 4.0: Advances Through Digitalization. In: Freitag, M.; Kotzab, H.; Megow, N. (eds.): Dynamics in Logistics - Twenty-Five Years of Interdisciplinary Logistics Research in Bremen, Germany. Springer, Cham, 2021, pp. 197-226
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