EUNA Empirische Untersuchung aktueller und zukünftiger Nutzungsgrade mobiler Computersysteme zur Unterstützung älterer Arbeitnehmer in Produktion und Logistik Within the research study project, the BIBA at the University of Bremen and the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University examined the potential contribution of Wearable Computing and Smart Textiles to enable participation of aging employees, particularly in production and logistics oriented branches. To examine the acceptance, current status and future role of these technologies and identify potential applications, both technology appliers in industry as well as specialised mobile ICT developers and providers were interrogatedin explorative workshops and personal interviews with selected experts. The results were further validated based on online questionnaires. As a result, the project has shown that the aging work force has been clearly recognised as a challenge particularly in large production oriented companies, e.g. the automotive industry. In general, the industry is open minded regarding innovative technologies. However, knowledge concerning their specific capabilities and most useful applications is still lacking. These project results were documented in form of a vision paper and a short movie on the potential of Wearable Computing for an aging work force. Contact persons: M. Teucke ![]() ![]() Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 See project's publications List all projects |